Comparing ourselves…


Each of us have had a different Path on our Life Experience. We know we are individuals, but we often don’t know how to look at our Self without comparing our Self with others. Most of us have had the notion ingrained in us at an early age that have to be like someone, or better than someone or not like someone. It is almost comical to think how we are told to be an individual but be like this. It almost like telling someone to win a car race but you have to keep the emergency brake on while driving.

Now I am not saying that we should not notice the differences in others around us; that to me is actually a beautiful feature that I look for in everyone I meet. So what if we were to be cognizant of others’ differences without having to put our Self on the scale of better or worse than another’s Self.

I have not mastered the art of not comparing myself, though I continually work on my perspective. Funny, I am about 6’4′ and many say that I am tall. I tell them I am average height and they scoff at me.  I tell them, everyone I know is either taler than me or shorter than me, therefore I am average height 🙂 I also see myself as the same age as each person I talk with which makes it very easy for me to talk with very young children and “adults aka older children”!

how old

We have so many different facets of our own existence and we could compare each one with someone else and this would prove to be a daunting series of tasks, and to what end? Why not let everyone BE whom they are and YOU BE whom you are? You are a beautiful Spirit existing in human form for this current Life Experience. I like what Abraham said about this:

“See this world as a free world, and see everyone in it as trying—through their individual experiences—to find their way back to that calling, back to that Source Energy. And even though there are billions of them going about it in a way that is different than you would choose, there’s no right or wrong way. In other words, bless them all, and get on with the only thing you have any power about, which is opening or closing your vortex to your natural state of Well-Being.

If all you did was just look for things to appreciate you would live a joyous, spectacular life. If there was nothing else that you ever came to understand other than just look for things to appreciate, it’s the only tool you would ever need to predominantly hook you up with who you really are. That’s all you’d need.”

Learning to live with less comparisons and letting others BE can allow us to be happy with “being me.”

My Love, Peace and Happiness to You,

Tony Sellaway

Author of Life: Without the Rose Tinted Glasses

Being Individual but Not Separate

Each of us that currently reside on this little planet we call Earth, have an idea that we are different individuals. But individual “what?”

Here is a supposition; Let’s say that some time ago in “The Beginning” of existence, everything started from a thought which materialized in matter. This matter altogether was the size of a pea, and then the energy within it caused the “Big Bang” which was the expansion of all matter into the Universe. So everything that IS had its common Origin from that One Source, and the expansion and reproduction continues from all that WAS then.


All the materials that make up the stars and planets came from this same beginning as did we. Now, let us say that since we all came from the same Source, we are all connected. If you were to ask someone, “Who are You?”, what would be the typical response? Many would respond with “distinctions or labels” such as race, job title, political or religious affiliation, or other different things that we DO or use to “describe our individualism.” What if we started to look at each other as part of the Human Family that inhabits this planet, without using those “differentiating descriptors”? Imagine the unity of seven billion people all living in peace as One Family. So you currently don’t get along with your family, and why should adding seven billion more family members make things easier? Dr. Wayne Dyer said, “Friends are God’s way of apologizing for our family!”

My own personal thought is that the most prevalent reason for our current level of discontent is the idea that we are all separate from one another AND The Source.

Another leap in the previous supposition; not only are all persons connected, but every thing that exists is connected since it all came from the same Source. A person can now say that they are an individual, yes; but rather than an individual person, an individual piece of the Entire Universe.

Tony Sellaway

Author of Life: Without the Rose Tinted Glasses

Can A Question Allow Possibilities?

willing to change anything

I often say, “The best way to get an answer is to ask a question.” So what does asking a question bring into existence? Is it possible that the answer might not even be what we are looking for? As I continue on my Path to Enlightenment, one of my mentors and Spiritual Inspirations, Stephanie Richardson, has shown me that questions raise possibilities.

When we ask a question and look for the opportunities that can flow from the question itself rather than just looking for a solution, when begin to see a range of different scenarios that can BE. What am I saying? Often when we look just for a solution or answer, we look for something based on our prior”knowledge or situation.” This can be a limiting point of view as we might only look for something we think is “possible” from where we are. What’s “wrong” with that? Nothing, it is just that where you are is an accumulation of all the choices you have already made. So what if we instead look at what larger opportunities or different ways to BE could actually lead us to our growth AND awakening? In other words, looking just for and answer could actually limit your possible choices of a solution that would benefit you. It has been said that the solution may not be solved from the same mind that created the problem. And what if the solution from that “mind” is only extension of the “limited present reality”?

One tool or question that Dr. Dain Heer of Access Consciousness has shown me is simply, “How can it get better than this?”

As you are going about your daily Life Experience, just ask, “How can it get better than this?” See what presents itself.  And then ask the question again.

My Love, Peace & Happiness to You,

Tony Sellaway

Author of Life: Without the Rose Tinted Glasses

Look for The Lesson 

On our daily venture, every Present Moment we have a choice as to what we want to BE. In that choice, we determine what type of energy we are going to exhibit. When we decide to Be Happy,  we tend to see more happiness. The converse can also be true. With that in mind, it is not what we look at that matters, it is what we are Being that does. So when we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change.


Tony Sellaway
Author of:

Life: Without the Rose Tinted Glasses

Why Not Smile? :)

My goal each morning is to see how many people I can make smile today!

Our Life Experience is a series of Present Moments. They are not necessarily good or bad, right or wrong, but rather just are what we see them as. A key that I have found is that we don’t see the world as it is, we see it as we are. So it seems that it takes about the same amount of energy and intention in any Present Moment to be in a “good mood” as it does to be in a “bad mood.” Since Life is a sum of our choices, we have the ability and responsibility to make a decision as to what we want To Be.


Making a choice To Be Happy does not mean that you ignore your surroundings, family and friends, or your present Life Situation. What we can do is decide to be what we want to see which will then influence what we look at in that moment. If we pay attention, we will often see that our world is really just a reflection of our own inner thoughts expressing themselves in the persons and things we attract from said thoughts. I tell people that is began my Awakening, I would get up each morning and apply a thick balm of “madness repellent.” As I became better at managing my thoughts, I found that now I can use a light spritz of the repellent as I attract what I AM.

As we accept responsibility for all of our choices; mood, food, music, news, conversations and activities or lack thereof; we remove the victim mentality and restore our power to be what we intend to be. Our happiness is in our choice of thoughts, not what someone else thinks. This gives us the freedom to improve our Life Experience at each Present Moment knowing that there is a Lesson to be gleaned from each Present Moment; and that depends on what we think we are Being. So why not smile, think thoughts that make you feel good and then face the present moment?

My Love, Peace and Happiness to You,

Tony Sellaway

Author of Life: Without the Rose Tinted Glasses 

How are We connected?

Gregg Braden has said one of the more important questions we can ask is “Who am I?” The answer to this question can then lead us to a much deeper understanding of our Self and the world we create around us. When we go way back to what can be said in some writings, “In the beginning …”, there was nothing physical existing, but out of a thought from the Initial Source there began the creation of matter, energy and Being. So if we liken this to a small pea which contained all that was to come forth as the thoughts and thus The Universe continually expands, we can see that everything started from the same Source, which means everything has an original connection.


“Thought that is projected, now thinks. So it’s not possible to separate the thinker from the thought, because the thinker thinks a thought, and then the thought thinks and becomes a thinker, and then the thought, that was a thought that is now a thinker, thinks another thought, which becomes a thinker, also. And so, there is a constant summoning of Life Force. Now, a thought that is thought longer becomes Thought Form. A thought that is thought upon by many, becomes Thought Form. A thought that is thought upon by many, in a very clear undiluted fashion, as from Nonphysical Perspective where there is no resistance, becomes physical matter. That’s why the physical universe is a by-product of the Nonphysical attention or focus. So, the Nonphysical Energy that created this physical mass from the Energy of the Universe, the mass itself, now becomes a thought that is thinking, that is attracting the Energy.”


Excerpted from: Los Angeles, CA, on August 02, 1998

Realizing that we are all connected to EVERYTHING and EVERYONE should change the way we look at others, not as enemies, rather as a separate expression of ourselves in other beings, all one family. And as we are all one family, then why don’t we  begin to look for the most loving way to interact with every Being we encounter?

Gregg Braden explains this in a series by Gaia called  “Missing Links” and in a Gregg Braden Q&A with Gaia

Sending You my Love, Peace and Happiness!

Tony Sellaway

Author of Life: Without the Rose Tinted Glasses

Inspirational Moments: I Make People Smile!

My blog: Tao Of Tony

BEing what You Want…


On our Life Path, we grow and we awaken. As we awaken to the knowledge of our True Self, what we want in our Life Experience changes. Wherever we are on the rise from merely existing to becoming “enlightened”, this is a personal marker to gauge our own progress rather than where we are compared to another person. When we reduce our comparison with others, we allow ourselves a freedom to Be whom we are and others to be whom they are with less divisiveness.

In our search for many things or states of existence; such as a mate or a friend, Happiness or Peace, or just a getaway place; we are often looking outside of of our Self to find what we are looking for. When we start paying attention to what we are BEing at the Present Moment and then seeing what we are BEing most of the time, we will begin to see a correlation to what our “search engine” produces. When we are being Happy, Friendly or Kind, we can expect to “find” more of the same returns. Conversely, when we are angry, sad or bitter, we will have that reflected back to us.


So when we start to see that we get back what we ARE BEING, we must then start BEing what we want.It takes small steps and thought patterns, but when we do the small, simple things well, daily or better yet in each Present Moment, we will change our world. As more do the same, we change the World.

What are you BEing?


Keep smiling! My Love, Peace and Happiness to you

Tony Sellaway, author of Life: Without the Rose Tinted Glasses

Tony’s Speaking Moments

For Speaking Engagements

Tony’s Blog

Letting Go to BE Happy

“It is said that most people spend their lives regretting the past and fearing the future; therefore, they are unable to experience joy in the present.”
David R. Hawkins, Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender

What might a primary obstacle to our freedom to Be Happy? One thing that many of us DO often is compare. When we compare, we are necessarily setting up sides, duality or maybe an either/or scenario. We are all individuals, there are currently 7 billion + of us rotating around the Sun on this small rock we call Earth 🙂 That is a lot of individuality to contend with if we choose to do so.

enjoy your life

When we look at ourselves, we could find many different areas to compare our self with others: physically, financially, mentally and spiritually just to name a few. In any of the many areas we could choose, there will be someone that has more or less than you do, or is more or less proficient than you. When most persons are asked about “Darwin’s Theory,” they usually say “That the Strongest will survive.”  We then take this to mean that we must compete and be better than others to survive. The principle of Darwin’s theory is actually “survival of the Fittest,” which implies that all would work together to ensure that all would benefit. When we become comfortable with our uniqueness and begin to Love our Self for who and what we are, we relinquish the need for comparison to others.

The next step is to understand that the past does not change and the future never gets here. Looking back in time often causes regret and looking ahead creates anxiety. Everything that we Experience is Now, in a series of Present Moments. So right now as you read this, how is your Life Situation? You do have a choice right now to BE; why not choose to be happy?

Letting go of the comparison of things is also easier when we realize that we are often comparing ourselves to someone else’s highlight reel!

My Love and Peace to You,

Tony Sellaway, author of Life: Without the Rose Tinted Glasses

For Speaking Engagements:

SpeakerHub  or Shapiro International

Videos: I Make People Smile