How are We connected?

Gregg Braden has said one of the more important questions we can ask is “Who am I?” The answer to this question can then lead us to a much deeper understanding of our Self and the world we create around us. When we go way back to what can be said in some writings, “In the beginning …”, there was nothing physical existing, but out of a thought from the Initial Source there began the creation of matter, energy and Being. So if we liken this to a small pea which contained all that was to come forth as the thoughts and thus The Universe continually expands, we can see that everything started from the same Source, which means everything has an original connection.


“Thought that is projected, now thinks. So it’s not possible to separate the thinker from the thought, because the thinker thinks a thought, and then the thought thinks and becomes a thinker, and then the thought, that was a thought that is now a thinker, thinks another thought, which becomes a thinker, also. And so, there is a constant summoning of Life Force. Now, a thought that is thought longer becomes Thought Form. A thought that is thought upon by many, becomes Thought Form. A thought that is thought upon by many, in a very clear undiluted fashion, as from Nonphysical Perspective where there is no resistance, becomes physical matter. That’s why the physical universe is a by-product of the Nonphysical attention or focus. So, the Nonphysical Energy that created this physical mass from the Energy of the Universe, the mass itself, now becomes a thought that is thinking, that is attracting the Energy.”


Excerpted from: Los Angeles, CA, on August 02, 1998

Realizing that we are all connected to EVERYTHING and EVERYONE should change the way we look at others, not as enemies, rather as a separate expression of ourselves in other beings, all one family. And as we are all one family, then why don’t we  begin to look for the most loving way to interact with every Being we encounter?

Gregg Braden explains this in a series by Gaia called  “Missing Links” and in a Gregg Braden Q&A with Gaia

Sending You my Love, Peace and Happiness!

Tony Sellaway

Author of Life: Without the Rose Tinted Glasses

Inspirational Moments: I Make People Smile!

My blog: Tao Of Tony