BEing what You Want…


On our Life Path, we grow and we awaken. As we awaken to the knowledge of our True Self, what we want in our Life Experience changes. Wherever we are on the rise from merely existing to becoming “enlightened”, this is a personal marker to gauge our own progress rather than where we are compared to another person. When we reduce our comparison with others, we allow ourselves a freedom to Be whom we are and others to be whom they are with less divisiveness.

In our search for many things or states of existence; such as a mate or a friend, Happiness or Peace, or just a getaway place; we are often looking outside of of our Self to find what we are looking for. When we start paying attention to what we are BEing at the Present Moment and then seeing what we are BEing most of the time, we will begin to see a correlation to what our “search engine” produces. When we are being Happy, Friendly or Kind, we can expect to “find” more of the same returns. Conversely, when we are angry, sad or bitter, we will have that reflected back to us.


So when we start to see that we get back what we ARE BEING, we must then start BEing what we want.It takes small steps and thought patterns, but when we do the small, simple things well, daily or better yet in each Present Moment, we will change our world. As more do the same, we change the World.

What are you BEing?


Keep smiling! My Love, Peace and Happiness to you

Tony Sellaway, author of Life: Without the Rose Tinted Glasses

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