A Judge Needs Opposition

judge less

When we encounter other persons on a daily basis, we have an option as to how we view each of them. That is one of our freedoms: Choice. And at each Present Moment we have a choice on how we are going to BE. We don’t see the world as IT IS, we see it they way WE ARE. 

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If we are in a less the Love state of Being, we ofttimes see things, people and events from lower energy points of view such as shame, grief, fear or pride. From this level of consciousness, our view will necessarily created opposition by utilizing and Us v. Them mindset. In order for one to judge another there are usually opposing sides or points of view. In retrospect, we in our present state of consciousness create this opposition.


By raising our vibration or state of consciousness to Being Love, we reduce the comparison of people and events. We see that they are not good or bad, they just are, and we have the choice to see them in whatever light we can for the optimal outcome in that present moment. With our interactions with people, as we view them with Love, it becomes easier to see that we are all from the same Source, all on our Journey to enlightenment. We don’t all start in the same place or take the same Path, and that’s OK. Look to understand where a person is on their Path, it is theirs, not yours. As we judge others less, we reduce division and opposition. The goal of Unity and Peace becomes more attainable for ourselves.

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In your Present Moment, begin to look at your Life Experience with Love and see if what is presented to you changes.

My Love, Peace and Happiness to You

Tony Sellaway

Author of Life: Without the Rose-Tinted Glasses


Tony’s speaking moments

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